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Rocky Mountain Elk


Our Rocky Mountain Elk (not red deer from overseas) are raised locally here in northern Wisconsin, Minnesota and southern Canada. Elk were native to our aspen-laden, western Great Lakes region up until around the turn of the century when they were over-hunted and pushed out by settlement. Through the staunch efforts of the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation in cooperation with the Department of Natural Resources, several small, transplanted, wild elk herds are once again thriving here! Elk, with it’s majestic crown of antlers, nestles itself right up against Bison as one of the truly iconic, native, big game animals of North America. Also, as one of the most nutrient dense wild game meats, you should be adding Elk to your menu.  

Northstar Elk is always:

  • 100% Rocky Mountain Elk
  • Pasture Raised
  • Field Harvested
  • Water Rinsed
  • Lab Tested for Chronic Wasting Disease
  • Hormone & Antibiotic Free
  • Non-GMO (hay and oats are supplemented in the winter months)
  • Organically Raised
  • Preservative Free
  • Minimally Processed
  • 100% Soy-Free
  • 100% Corn-Free
  • 100% Gluten-Free

Ear tags are ugly... so why use them?

Per law, elk ranchers must have an animal identification system (ear tags are most common) in order to be able to track animals during the harvest and/or transportation process. All Elk MUST be clearly identified. We test every single animal for Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) and cleared with aNegative result before processing the meat. Ear tags are also very helpful for keeping good herd health data and reproduction records. Basically, ear tags help us keep you safe and the animals healthy by being able to track trends that indicate how well they're thriving in their environment.

Rocky Mountain Elk Ground

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Rocky Mountain Elk Ribeye Steak

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